Dina Bhana Valmiki Biography- Fight against Discrimination and Co-Founder of BAMSEF

Since wide information about Dina Bhana Valmiki Biography is not available on internet but collected information are mentioned below in article.

These information also contains general understanding of the then society as wide information is not available.

Dina Bhana Valmiki Biography

Dina Bhana Valmiki is the brave fighter of Dalit community, who fights with discrimination and co founded one of the most famous organisation “BAMSEF (All India Backward And Minority Communities Employees Federation)” in India. He is the believer, follower of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. Dina Bhana always fights for equality in personal, professional and social life. He was a fourth class employee in Central Institute of Military Explosives (C.I.M.E).

Some people emerge as hero whenever problem arises in the society. He is one of the few hero who fought bravely with discrimination. He made an indelible impression in not only Dalit community but also in whole society.

After Dr Ambedkar, it was realised that the ideals, ideas and values of Ambedkar is diminishing from the society. It was high time for some leader to emerge as the leader of community and raise voice against all discrimination faced by marginalised and suppressed sections o the society.

One of the most famous hero at that was Kanshiram, who bravely and fearlessly fought against all odds and started many campaigns in the society to uplift community. But one man had played an important role in making Kanshiram a hero of the society, that one is Dina Bhana Valmiki. In this article, Dina Bhana Valmiki Biography, you will be able to know about life of Dina Bhana and how he become follower of Ambedkar and Kanshiram.

Life of Dina Bhana Valmiki

Dina Bhana was born in Feb 1928 in remote village of Rajasthan. He was born into a Dalit community known as “Bhangi”. His father name was Bhana. He was named Dina Nath by his father. He was the fourth children of his family.  He was married to Suman who works in Dhaba in Delhi. He went to Pune got job in CIME in 1948 after two years of struggle.

During his childhood phase, he had faced several discrimination in every spheres of life. He ever had to face discrimination in taking education from school. He dropped his education in later phase of his life. He though was physically fit and took interest in swimming, running etc.

His community normally works related to sanitation activity. At that time discrimination was widespread across India. His community also faced discrimination in accessing education, improving social status, objecting social hierarchies.

Since Valmiki hails from this marginalised section of the society, he always wanted to make a change in the society that is free from oppression, discrimination etc. They also had to face challenges and threat when they try to uplift their status or when they raise their voice against discrimination.

Event that changed his Life

It was a time when he was at the age of 15, his father used to work for cattle in a Jat family. One day he was asked to do extra work, he agreed and demanded extra wages. Jat family given him Buffalo instead of money, he took it and tie knot of Cattle in his house.

This had taken attention of a Thakur who send his servant to take much information about buffalo and Bhana, Thakur called him and told him to return buffalo and taunts him by saying, how dare you to tie buffalo in your home instead of pig. He was forced to return buffalo to Jat family.

This incident had completely shook him and changed his perception.

Impression of Dr BR Ambedkar on Dina Bhan

India is a country where each and everyone had played an important to free the country from the oppression of the British. In that time one of the most famous leader who not only fight with Britisher but also with existing caste based discrimination is Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar.

Gradually, he became a figure of justice and equality and inspired many youths at that time. He became a guiding principle for many. Dina Bhana Valmiki was one of them who got influence with the principles of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar.

The teachings, ideas and values of Dr BR Ambedkar had made an indelible impression on him and his life. Dr BR Ambedkar has always been a social reformer. He also chaired Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution.

Since he faced discrimination in every spheres of life, still he gained education though in hardship, and raises voice against discrimination and caste based atrocities. Ambedkar’s ideas always advocated for the rights and dignity of marginalised community.

These values had inspired many youth at that time to fight against oppression. These thing connected Dina Bhan with Ambedkar as both want freedom from discrimination and oppression. In his later life, Dina Bhan become follower of Ambedkar and started spreading the ideas, messages, values of Ambedkar in society.

Later in article you will be able to know about Dina Bhana Biography, societal condition of the marginalised section, vision of the visionary leader. In this heading you will learn how Dina Bhana became follower and disciple of Dr BR Ambedkar. Some ideas and principle which connected both are mentioned below;

Equality and Social Justice

Dr Ambedkar’s principle are based on Social Justice and Equality. Throughout in his career he opposed caste based atrocities and oppression vehemently.

Ambedkar always wanted to establish a society which is free from discrimination and caste hierarchies. These values had fuelled desire of Dina Bhana to transform society into a society which has equality and social justice.

Empowerment through Education

Ambedkar told that education is a tool that can break the chain of social oppression, he always believed in liberating power of knowledge. That’s why education becomes the fundamental principle of Dr Ambedkar.

Eradication of Caste Hierarchies

Since Ambedkar and Dina Bhan both had faced many discrimination throughout in his life. While fighting against oppression and discrimination, they realised that the main root of all evil is caste based hierarchy. If it gets uprooted, it can break the shackle of marginalised community.

Eradication of Caste hierarchies became one of the most important ways to remove all evil from the society. Making an egalitarian society is the idea of Dr Ambedkar that resonated Dina Bhana and he becomes follower of him.

Human Rights

Ambedkar in his life focused on the fundamental Human Rights, dignity of the Individual irrespective of caste, creed, gender, place of birth, religion etc. Advocacy for the rights of individual by Ambedkar has completely win the heart of Dina Bhana.

Empowerment through Writing

Dina Bhana Valmiki recognised the power of education and words through principle of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. And then he started writing by using his pen to aware the masses who wanted to make change, eradicate caste based discrimination and also wanted to ensure Justice and Equality within the society.

Social Activism

Valmiki had actively participated in many social activity and engaged himself in many movement that wants to uplift marginalised community. One of the most important thing about his social activism is co-founding BAMSEF (All India Backward And Minority Communities Employees Federation ).

When holidays for the next year is being discussed in Central Institute of Military Explosives (CIME). He raises his voice against authorities when holidays were not provided on Ambekar Jayanti, Buddha Jayanti and other Dalit community hero. He was suspended from CIME and he lost his job. He in the course met with officer DK Kharpade, who was also belongs to Dalit Community.

He called him and ensured him that he will look into this matter and would try his best to ensure justice.

Dina Bhana, Kharpade and Kanshiran

Kharpade introduced him to Kanshiram who was also an officer and came from Punjab. He became interested to know about Kanshiram when Kharpade told him that he also belongs to Dalit Community.

Dina Bhana, Kanshiram, Kharpade
Dina Bhana, Kanshiram, Kharpade

Kanshiram was not knowing much about Dr BR Ambedkar though he used to listen about Ambedkar from Dina Bhan and Kharpade. One day on advice of Dina Bhan, kharpade gave a book to Kanshiram named “The Annihilation of Caste” which was based on Ambedkar’s principle.

This book has completely changed him and decided to give his life to social work. Then, Kanshiram arranged advocate for Dina Bhana and given fees  to advocate. Though Dina Bhana prevented him to do so.

Kharpade and Kanshiram both informed Defence Ministry on this matter. Ministry looked on it and given instructions to terminate suspension and initiate a high level committee on this matter.

Co- founding BAMSEF

Dina Bhan wanted to make a change in society, he gained acceleration when he meet with famous leader of that time “Kanshiram”.

These employees became good friends and these fight for justice lit fire in their conscience. They even founded All India Backward and Marginalised Community Employees Association in 1973. Later it became BAMSEF (All India Backward And Minority Communities Employees Federation). 

BAMSEF has played an important role in advocating for the rights of schedule caste in India and also empowered marginalised section of the society to participate in political field.They knows that political representation is the one thing that can make a substantial change in society, so they founded BAMSEF to mobilise people and encourage participation in political process of India.

It is collective effort and vision of these leaders who work hard to ensure justice and equality in the society. Later BAMSEF emerge as one of the most important organisation of the schedule caste who advocated for social, economic rights of the schedule caste and marginalised community in India.

BAMSEF engaged itself from grass root level to high tech cities. From road to road, village to village it aware people for political process, to establish an egalitarian society, to end caste based discrimination etc.

They spread these awareness through organising campaigns, out reach program, organising rallies etc. It has been noticed that political participation and improvement in social economic condition of these caste is noticeable after formation of BAMSEF.

Last years of Dina Bhana

He was suffering from Cancer and died in 29 August 2009. People from all India mourns on his death. He still remembered by his follower on his death anniversary. This was all about Dina Bhana Valmiki Biography.

For more information about Dina Bhana you can watch videos from Youtube


Dina Bhana wife name is Suman who was working in Dhaba in Delhi before he met with her.

Dina Bhana, Kharpade and Kanshiram founded All India Backward and Marginalised Community Employees Association in 1973. Later it became BAMSEF (All India Backward And Minority Communities Employees Federation). 

He was born in 1928 in remote village of Rajasthan, British India.

He had cancer and died in 2009.

End of Article

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