Anchoring Script for Singing Competition – Best for Event Competition

Anchoring is the most important thing of any stage performance, in this you will get anchoring script for singing competition.

Anchoring Script for Singing Competition

We all know that school or college organise several competition events for singing, sports, music, inter house competition etc. Students from each class participate as volunteer. Out of them some have been given the responsibility to anchor the event. In this article you are going to get Anchoring Script for Singing Competition while performing at the stage.

First impression is the most important impression” while doing interaction with individual or audience. Hence, we cannot neglect the importance of First impression.

Anchoring is the thing that sets the tone for the performance of the individual on stage. A good anchoring energises the audience, attract the audience towards stage. Hence, we clearly can say that anchoring plays an important role in success of the event.

In below mentioned article, you will get some tips, ideas and ways that can help in making anchoring script for singing competition.

1. Introductory Part

Introduction is the first impression of any competition whether it is singing competition or any other competition. In introduction part there are certain thing which can not be neglected at any cost. These thing are the inclusion of wishing, messages of the event, theme of the competition etc.

Preparation is the best thing to avoid missing of any important details. It is better to perform in house before performing on stage. Write down your weakness and practive well on it.

You can start the event by simply saying, Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Jai Hind, Ladies & Gentleman, Welcome etc. It snatches the attention of the audience towards stage.

You can also introduce yourself by telling about your roles, achievement etc. But, it will be better to introduce yourself in brief. You can use these sentence while introducing yourself,

“I am (Name), anchor of this beautiful singing competition. I have performed anchoring in several event like (Event1, Event2). Today, I have the responsibility to engage you towards stage, and also will entertain you by using my experience and knowledge. ”

2. Inclusion of Funny Things

On stage it is the duty of Anchor to energise the audience. Jokes or funny things can play an important role in energising or engaging audience. Jokes not only lighten the mood of audience but also snatch attention of audience. It will be better to write down important jokes on your diary and regularly read it.

One thing we have to keep in mind while doing joking is that it should not hurt any individual or sentiments of groups etc.

While writing Anchoring Script for Singing Competition you can use jokes that gives same vibe as music or song of the participant.

3. Not reveal the key details of the events

Every events definitely have at least one key performance for which audience waits. You have to regularly tell about that performance but you must not reveal the key details of that performance. You always create suspense in the mind of audience by telling some part of it. By using this tactics you can energise the public.

4. Welcoming participants

Once you introduce yourself, simultaneously you should welcome all the participant on the stage and introduce about them in simple and brief way. You can use hype sentences or jokes while introducing them. These are done in the initial stages of event performance.

5. Acknowledge sponsors, organiser and supporting staff

After doing all of these things you should express gratitude towards the sponsors, organiser and supporting staff of the event. You can acknowledge their importance by saying “Thank You (Name)” for sponsoring/organising/supporting this event.

You can also cheer them by telling audience to clap hand. It will give them sense of satisfaction and in future it will encourage them to support for event.

6. Rules of the events

While anchoring singing competition, you should aware participant and audience about the rules and regulation of the competition. In rules you can tell time, limitations etc to avoid any foul. You will also warn them and tell if they violate any rule then their candidature can be removed.

7. Introduce Judges

You also have to introduce the distinguish panel, judges who are going to test the performance of participant and give marks on the basis of their performance in singing competition. They mark the participant with their expertise in singing.

You can say that ladies and gentleman, “Please welcome (Name1, Name2, Name3) as the judge of this singing competition”.

8. Encourage audience participation

Whenever you think the audience is becoming lose, you will grab attention and energise them through your jokes, key details, music etc. Regularly you will express gratitude to audience in participating competition.

It is better to practice Anchoring Script of Singing Competition at your own, the more you practice the more you feel confidence on the stage. And confidence is the best attraction of stage performance.

As you practice script of singing competition, you will realise the inclusion of some more important things in the script.

A good anchoring is one of the most important thing of any event or competition. You don’t need to learn rocket science, you only have to include some funny jokes, music, snippets, short stories etc in the script and try to grab maximum attention of the audience and provide them a beautiful environment.

How to Welcome Participant on Stage

Once you practice these script of anchoring in singing competition you will realise inclusion of some more important tips, ideas of anchoring script etc. Before calling participants, you can say these things while welcoming participant on stage for performance.

1. Ladies and Gentleman you are going to witness a sensational performance by (Name. Please welcome him with a big round of applause.

2. Sometimes you can introduce him/her by using snippet of any attractive music which resembles the performance of participant. Her is the you can use in script,

“Are you ready to listen brilliant music by (Name), are you ready to enjoy the night, are you ready for the performance, let’s enjoy this music”.(In loud voice)

3. You can also use achievements of the participant while calling him/her. Simply say,

You are going to witness champion of ______ competition. He/she mesmerises audience by voice. Ladies and gentleman grab you seat and enjoy the voice of Champion.

4. You can use sentence told by important personality, for example Plato once said, “Music is a moral law; it gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”

“Give a big round of applause who will take you in your mind and shake your mind and body using his/her voice. Please welcome our next participant(Name) on stage.”

5. Use catchy words in introducing participants like

Who wants to lost in the music, who want to get lost in the rythm, who want to shake his/her body etc and tell same sentences please put your hands together for (Name).

6. You can use qualities and talent of the participants while calling them on stage

“Please welcome (Name). He/she has incredible quality or talent in (_____). Singing is his/her passion. Guys, Let’s give a big round of applause”.

7. Preface or theme of the song can also be told while calling singer of the competition. After telling theme simply say please welcome (Name) on the stage who are going to perform music which is based on friendship and love.

Before near end of Singing Competition

You will tell the audience about the near end of the competition and also express gratitude to audience, judges, participant before packing up the competition. You can say like this,

“I want to thanks our guests for giving us precious time of their busy schedule and also thanks to our judges who marks participant with their expertise, I greatly appreciate the support of our supporting staff for providing essential services”.

Also express thanks to audience for attending this beautiful competition. Simply say,

“Guys, thanks for your support during the entire schedule of competition, this event became successful because of your co-operation and support.”


You will tell the audience about the near end of the competition and also express gratitude to audience, judges, participant before packing up the competition. You can say like this,

“I want to thanks our guests for giving us precious time of their busy schedule and also thanks to our judges who marks participant with their expertise, I greatly appreciate the support of our supporting staff for providing essential services”.

For more information about anchoring script for singing competition, you can watch videos from Youtube



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