Electric Vehicles- Important Eco-Friendly Transportation

Electric Vehicle

Electric Vehicle also known as EV among public. It is basically a vehicle that uses electricity unlike conventional vehicles which uses gasoline, diesel etc. This electricity comes from a battery which is also chargeable through external source. This battery provides electricity to electric motor. EVs are not only limited to road but it also includes electric boat, vessels, electric aircraft, electric spacecraft etc.

In a few years we are seeing the exponential growth in electric vehicle. Governments all over the world also provides incentives to EVs manufacturer and buyers.  EVs are seen as the replacement of conventional vehicle as it is the need of the current and future generation. Because it addresses the global issues of air pollution, global warming, depleting natural resources etc that makes it more Eco-friendly.

Types of Electric Vehicle

EVs are evolving rapidly. Below mentioned paragraph will provides an overview on different types of Electric Vehicle.


Battery Electric Vehicles are also referred as BEVs. It is more commonly known as EVs. It is a fully EVs, it means it uses only electricity to drive vehicles. This vehicle uses battery which is rechargeable through external sources. It is completely void of gasoline or petrol. All energy comes from only battery which gives power to electric motor. BEVs emit almost nil emission, it does not produce or emit harmful substances or air pollutants unlike conventional gasoline powered vehicle, hence it is also referred as zero emission vehicle.

Now a days more and more research and advancement are happening around the world to update BEVs. Some of the important companies which makes BEVs are listed below along with their model and Year.


PHEVs are tha acronym of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. It is a type of EVs which uses both engine and electric motor to drive the car. Like regular hybrids, it can also recharge its battery through regenerative braking. They differ from regular hybrids as it works on two modes first mode is “all electric” in which all energy comes from electric battery and the second one is “hybrid” in which both electric and gasoline works. It has the capacity to move itself without any assistance from gasoline powered engine unlike hybrid EVs.


Hybrid Electric Vehicles commonly known as HEVs. It is a different type of EVs as it have both a gas-powered engine and an electric motor for driving car. It commonly have one or more electric motor along with gasoline engine to drive the car. Sometimes electric motor works, sometimes engine works and some time they work together. These type of vehicles are not better than fully electric or plug-in-hybrid vehicles.

Electric Vehicles in India

India was the third largest car market of the world in 2022. Now India is moving ahead in Research and Technology of battery technology of electric vehicles. To reduce fossil fuel consumption and to improve environment condition, government has enacted and enforced several policies and plans for providing eco- friendly transportation.

India is a part of EV30@30 campaign, which aims at achieving 30 percent sales of EVs. To achieve this target government has signed several Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with many countries. In 2022 govt has signed MoU with Australia for critical minerals. Critical minerals such as copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt etc are essential minerals for producing EVs and Batteries.

At 2021 COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had elaborated the principle of “Panchamitra“. In “Panchamitra PM has emphasised on five elements of climate change and these are mentioned below;

1. By 2030 India will increase non-fossil energy capacity to 500 Gigawatts.
2. Providing 50 percent of India’s overall energy needs through Renewable Energy.
3. By 2030 India will reduce Carbon Emissions by 1 Billion.
4. By 2030 India will reduce Carbon intensity by 45 percent.
5. India has set the target to achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2070.

Government of India has taken several steps to develop and promote EVs ecosystem in India. These steps are FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles), Production Linked Scheme etc.

Govt has given positive results on Electric Vehicles. According to Minister of Road Transport and Highways, “two wheeler EVs rose by 422%, 3 wheeler by 75% and 4 wheeler by 230 % between 2019 and 2021. Also the number of buses of public transportation increased by 1200%. For better convenience of public, govt has made plan to establish charging station in every 3 km and at every 25 km on both sides of highways in India.

Production of electric vehicles not only helps in improving environment bu also boost economy of the country and also provides employment opportunity to individual.

E-rickshaw benefit

Now a days E-Rickshaw is preferred by people to move for shorter distance as it much convenient and easily available in common road. It is much affordable than conventional vehicles and easy to commute in metro cities.


India has seen a revolution of Electric Vehicles in the form of Electronic Rickshaw that is E-Rickshaw. E-Rickshaw has almost replaced gasoline powered and CNG vehicles in cities.  E-Rickshaw comprises 83 percent of the EV market in India. Around 20 lakh E-Rickshaw are available in India and adding approx 15,000 EV sale every month.

Initially Government has made much effort to increase the sale of EVs through providing subsidies and financial assistance. Govt has also provided loan at lower interest rate for increasing sale of EVs.

It provides employment opportunities to several households. It provides solution to counter Environmental issues, air pollution etc. It can also used as to transfer goods from one place to another place. It also had created problematic traffics in cities as it filling the roads of metro cities that led to making of long traffic jams. But considering the amount of its positive effect this problem is negotiable.

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