Government Electric Vehicle Policy- India (Useful)

Electric Vehicle

Electric Vehicle also known as EV among public. It is basically a vehicle that uses electricity unlike conventional vehicles which uses gasoline, diesel etc. This electricity comes from a battery which is also chargeable through external source. This battery provides electricity to electric motor. EVs are not only limited to road but it also includes electric boat, vessels, electric aircraft, electric spacecraft etc.

In a few years we are seeing the exponential growth in Electric Vehicle. Governments all over the world also provides incentives to EVs manufacturer and buyers.  EVs are seen as the replacement of conventional vehicle as it is the need of the current and future generation. Because it addresses the global issues of air pollution, global warming, depleting natural resources etc that makes it more Eco-friendly.

Government Electric Vehicle Policy - India
Government Electric Vehicle Policy – India

Government Electric Vehicle Policy

Government Electric Vehicle Policiy can play an important role in promoting Electric Vehicle (EV)adoption. In fact it boost adoption of EVs. Here are the some ways on which government electric vehicle policy should be made to increase Adoption and Promotion of EVs:

Incentives and Subsidies

Initially to promote adoption govt must provide financial incentives, subsidies, and tax concession for purchasing electric vehicles. This will reduce the cost of EVs that ultimately attracts more consumers. Govt can done it through reducing GST (Goods and Services Tax) rates, lower registration fees and RTO fees exemption.

Charging Infrastructure

Initially people are reluctant to open charging station as they thought that that there is no assurity that it will give profit to them. Hence, govt should give assistance to person who owns charging station. This will encourage consumers to switch to electric vehicles, knowing that charging facilities are readily available.

Research and Development Support

Government Electric Vehicle Policy on funding for research and development of EV technology, batteries, and components can drive innovation and bring down the overall cost of electric vehicles. This can ultimately increase the sale of Electric Vehicles.

Fleet Electrification

Government can encourage use of electric vehicle through its fleet electrification. If govt companies or agencies use electric vehicle in carrying out their activity then it will make a psychological impact of reliability on citizen. This fleet electrification demonstrates commitment and confidence in technology that ultimately encourages individuals and private players.

Public Transportation

Government Electric Vehicle Policy on promoting adoption of electric buses and other public transportation will ultimately reduces the issues of pollution. Hence, govt should build infrastructure, policies that allows fast adoption of EVs  for public transportation.

Eco-friendly Policies

Govt should enforce some stricter emission norms for internal combustion engine vehicles. Also levy some taxes and tariffs on conventional vehicle. This will promote shifting of conventional to EVs.

Incentives for Manufacturers

Providing incentives for domestic manufacturing of electric vehicles and components can attract investment and create jobs in the EVs industry.

Battery Swapping Infrastructure

Govt should make laws that allows battery swapping. This will alone address concerns about battery charging time and battery degradation, making EVs more convenient and attractive for consumers.

Awareness Campaigns

Government should regularly organise campaigns to raise public awareness about the benefits of using electric vehicles, such as lower air pollution and lower operating costs. These campaigns will encourage more people to shift in EVs.

Collaboration with Industry

Govt should do collaboration with the private sector companies for better policy formulation. This will synergize the works, policies formulation and research of EVs. Collaboration with private players will definitely increase the sale of EVs in India.

Recycling and Disposal Policies

Establishing guidelines for recycling and proper disposal of EVs batteries, parts and sub-parts can address concerns about environmental impact and encourage responsible EVs ownership. Government Electric Vehicle Policy should also consider Recycling and Disposal of Electric Vehicle parts, batteries etc for safety of our citizen.

It is important to note that the success of these policies and plans depends on effective implementation, regular updates based on changing market dynamics, and regular monitoring of outcomes.

Government Electric Vehicle Policy -India

Government Electric Vehicle Policy -India is made in such a way so that it encourages adoption of EVs in country by people and also promotes manufacturing of Electric Vehicles within country. Considering these objectives Government of India has made some policies and plans that are mentioned below.

These Government Electric Vehicle Policy has the potential to achieve National Energy Security, reduces adverse effect on environment that was happening because of gasoline powered engine. These policies formulated in such a ways so that it can replace the market of conventional vehicle by electric and hybrid vehicle.

Some steps and plans of Government Electric Vehicle Policy – India are mentioned below;

1. Formulated some policies that makes easy to acquire electric vehicle.

2. Promotes research and development in battery technology, electric motors, battery management, testing infrastructure, power electronics etc.

3. Provides subsidises for opening of charging station.

4. Reduces Rate of GST slabs from 28 percent to 12 percent without any Cess Tax.

5. Also loans have been provided with lower interest rate.

6. Ministry of Road and Transport Highways has also announced the exemption of permit in battery operated vehicles.

These objectives of Government Electric Vehicle Policy are covered in mentioned policies. Since then govt has achieved the target significantly.

FAME India Scheme

FAME India Scheme
FAME India Scheme

FAME India Scheme is basically an acronym of Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid and) Electric vehicles in India. This scheme is a Flagship Scheme of India and launched in 2015 under National Electric Mobility Mission Plan. It encourages the progressive induction of reliable, affordable and efficient Electric Vehicles in India. Time to time scheme has revised its plan.

FAME Indian scheme operates into two phases and that are mentioned below;

FAME I India Scheme

The first phase of FAME India Scheme started in 2015 and function till 2019. In this phase government has planned to install charging station in different cities across the country and allotted almost 900 crores to enforce these plans of FAME I India Scheme. By this scheme government has focused on production of electric vehicles, building of charging infrastructure and also how to drive this pilot project of electric vehicles.

FAME II India Scheme

The basic aim of this phase of FAME India Scheme is to electrify public transportation. Through this phase government has installed 2700 charging station in metro cities, smart cities, hilly states etc. Department of Heavy Industry also has sanctioned several charging stations in big cities for convenience of people and also for promotion of Government Electric Vehicle Policy.
FAME II India Scheme has got a budgetary support of 10,00 crore in financial year 2019-20. Government is planning to establish charging station on both side of the road with a gap of 25 kilo metre.

Advantages of Fame India Scheme

1. Adoption of electric vehicle will definitely reduces the environmental impacts that are happening by using conventional gasoline powered engine.
2. This scheme also helps in conservation of fossil fuel. It will reduces the import of fossil fuels.
3. This scheme helps in achieving the target of net zero emissions of carbon by 2070.
4. Building of electric vehicle charging station will definitely encourages the individuals to adopt electric vehicle.
5. It provides and opportunity for individuals to take part in eco-friendly public transportation.
6. It provides incentives to individuals to get benefit and tax exemption of having electric vehicles.

Phased Manufacturing Program (PMP)

It is basically a Phased Manufacturing Program (PMP) of electric vehicles in which it promotes the indigenous capacity of building electric vehicles and its assembly, sub assembly, parts and sub parts. It has been planned in graded duty structure. This phased scheme will increase the country’s value addition and capacity building electric vehicles.

National Mission on Transformative Mobility and Storage

The purpose of this Government Electric Vehicle Policy is to initiate Transformative Mobility and Storage Programmes for Electric Vehicle, its components, batteries and parts/sub-parts. Some points of this are mentioned below;
1. Create an environment for Phased Manufacturing Program (PMP) for indigenization on production of electric vehicles across the country.
2.  Details of localisation will be finalised by the Mission with a clear Make In India strategy for the electric vehicle components, battery, parts and sub-parts.
3. Mission will be in co-ordination with key holders in Ministries/ Department/ States to integrate other schemes/ initiatives of Government Electric Vehicle Policy.
4. Focused on creating holistic and comprehensive Growth of battery manufacturing industry within the country by Phased Manufacturing Programme.
These plans will ultimately transform mobility of Electric Vehicles in India and will provides benefit to all its citizens. These benefit of Transformative Mobility and Storage are mentioned below;
1. It will promote ‘Ease of Living’.
2. Will Enhance the quality of life of our citizens.
3. It also provides employment opportunities through ‘Make in-India’.
4. Improves air quality in cities 
5. Reduces India’s fossil fuels import dependence.
6. Enhancing the uptake of renewable energy and storage solutions.
For more Information you can also watch Videos on Youtube.
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